T-shirts, sweatpants, hoodies, and more for Kansas City Chiefs fans are available through the NFL Shop, fan merchandise stores, and various sports outlets. You can choose from different styles, designs, and sizes, so you can find the one that fits you best.
Production Time: 3-7 business days. This Kansas City Chiefs T-shirt hoodie 3D is made-to-order so the production time will be a little bit longer than usual. Please be patient.
Shipping Time: 7-12 business days.
Size: S, M, L, XL, XXL, 3XL, 4XL, 5XL. Please check the Kansas City Chiefs shirt 3D size chart and measuring instruction carefully before placing order as we CAN NOT offer return or refund if you choose a wrong size.
All modifications must be made within 24 hours after placing the order. Orders will be produced after 24 hours, so once the 24-hour period has passed, the order cannot be cancelled or changed. Please understand this policy.
Washed inside out and set on a gentle machine cycle in cold water.
To avoid any form of fading, machine drying is not recommended.